Paper submission
The Congress will publish full, peer-reviewed Short Papers (Extended Abstracts – up to 6 pages) of the submitted contributions. Papers will be published in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece. The Conference proceedings will be prepared in advance and distributed during the Congress in electronic format. Participants interested in publishing a paper should submit the complete manuscript until December 31, 2024.
Submitted papers will be reviewed and authors will be notified for the acceptance no later than February 15, 2025. For accepted papers to be published, registration fees (cat. B fees) should be paid within 10 days of the acceptance notice at the latest.
Each accepted paper should correspond to registration of at least one of the authors and each registration corresponds to only one paper.
For detailed guidelines to the authors for the preparation of the papers/abstracts please download the GSG 2025 abstract template.
In order to submit your paper you have to create a log-in account at this link.