Online registration is open untill Tuesday 27th May 2025.
Registration fees including attendance, proceedings, coffee breaks and field trip (31st May 2025) are as follows:
Category | Registration fees | |
A. Until February 28, 2025 | B. After March 1, 2025 | |
Delegates* | 150/180 € | 180/210 € |
Young scientists** | 130/160 € | 160/190 € |
Retired / Emeritus | 80 / 100 € | 100 / 120 € |
Undergraduate and post-graduate students (attendance and coffee breaks only)*** | 30 € | |
Additional paper fee | 40 € |
* The first fee in each category corresponds to GSG members (based on the latest list of members, as provided by the Secretary of the Geological Society of Greece), while the second to non-members.
**In order for a delegate to qualify for a Young scientist fee, he or she should:
- Be 35 years old or younger in 2025 (i.e. born not earlier than January 1, 1990),
- Be the lead author of the associated paper(s).
Registration fees correspond to one paper per delegate. In case a delegate wishes to submit more papers, a fee of 40 € per additional paper will be charged. Please note that no paper will be accepted for publication without prior payment of registration fees.
Please note that all additional sts regarding the payment of registration fees (e.g. bank expenses) have to be paid by the delegates themselves.
Registration fees include:
- Admission to the Meeting Sessions and the Exhibition
- Delegate material (meeting bag, Program booklet, pen, note pad)
- Certificate of Attendance
- Coffee and Lunch breaks, as announced in the Program
- Welcome Reception
- Participation to Field Trips
costs regarding the payment of registration fees (e.g. bank expenses) have to be paid by the delegates themselves.